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  • How will I know if the program is working?
    Weight loss changes your body measurements, progress photos, increased energy levels, better mood, quality of sleep, and healthier skin, hair, and nails. Focus on changes and improvements resulting from your program and new lifestyle.
  • What if I cannot complete the program?
    Yes, you can! As with anything new, combine an optimistic mindset to achieve your desired results. So many have completed this program and continue to maintain their ideal body weight. We have incorporated much medical and scientific research that has worked for many. You may feel that you have different body physiology, and while there is truth, fundamental biological mechanisms are common to all of us. Healthy eating with regular exercise and a healthy lifestyle will cause weight loss. We believe our experience, protocol, and evidence-based recommendations will help you.
  • Why do people fail on slow weight loss programs?
    Many people fail in slow weight loss programs because it can be very demotivating; some even find it torture. This is because conventional caloric deficits do not include metabolic advantages. The SOZA protocol prioritizes stubborn visceral fat - white fat - over subcutaneous fat, improving hormone functions like insulin. This, in turn, dramatically diminishes cravings for sugary and starchy foods. So now you can go on a lower-calorie diet and reap the benefits of improved hormonal function.
  • How long can I do phase 2 of this program?
    If you have more weight to lose, continue with another 60 days until you reach your goal. You may consider doing phase 3 for a week or two if you have diet fatigue before restarting phase 2. Do a binge again. As you continue losing weight, you must get in touch with your primary care physician, particularly if you have a medical condition or are on medication.
  • Will my metabolism “crash,” or will I go into starvation mode on a low-calorie diet?
    Only if you eat turnips and potatoes. This belief came from the Minnesota starvation experiment that put people on a deficient protein diet consisting of turnips and potatoes. The results could have been better! So instead, you’ll be eating a moderate to high-protein diet, healthy fats, unlimited vegetables, and fresh herbs and spices in this program. What you eat is essential, especially on a lower-calorie diet. Therefore, correctly following the program properly in its entirety is vital.
  • Why do you recommend following a plant-based Mediterranean-style diet in phase 3?
    Countless studies show time and again that the Mediterranean diet, common among centenarians, is one of the healthiest diets in the world. Scientific evidence supports the link between a Mediterranean diet and a reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers (such as breast cancer). The Mediterranean diet is one of the healthy eating plans recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to promote health, prevent chronic disease, and maintain healthy body weight. The World Health Organization also recognizes it as a healthy and sustainable dietary pattern. This is thought to be due to antioxidant-rich foods like fruits and vegetables and healthy fats like nuts and seeds. The media popularizes many overhyped lifestyle diets that promise health benefits, but they have insufficient evidence to support their claims. Furthermore, most of these diets advocate eliminating entire food groups, which is unnecessary and potentially dangerous and does not provide all the nutrients your body needs. Of course, you should always do your research, but be sure to pay attention to evidence-based science and long-term studies.
  • Will I have loose skin?
    You may have loose skin if you lose a lot of weight. Do some resistance training and eat enough protein to tighten your muscles to minimize the amount of loose skin. Losing weight is extremely important, especially the dangerous fat around your middle.
  • I work the night shift, any advice?
    We feel you. Night shifts play havoc with your circadian rhythm because this is not what nature intended. So the best advice we can give is to focus on your protein intake, especially your first meal of the night. Let your first meal include healthy fats and sufficient protein to lay the foundation for the night ahead. Do the same with your last meal before you sleep. Your two main meals need to cover your daily requirements. A handful of snacks during your night shift and herbal teas are also helpful. You can do this!
  • I’m always on the road; how can I make this work?
    Don’t rely on grabbing healthy snacks on the go. Most of the time, you will be disappointed. Instead, carry tinned tuna, tinned salmon, tinned chicken breast, high-quality jerky, hard-boiled eggs, nuts, and fruits and salads if you can. Remember to stay hydrated!
  • What happens if I nibble here and there?
    Then you would be on a low-calorie diet without the metabolic and hormonal benefits. You will be hungry and irritable most of the time as you will not address insulin resistance.
  • Can I have a weekend reward?
    We hope you don’t mean comfort or sugary foods! Remember why you are doing this program. Look for other ways to celebrate wins.
  • Is the SOZA Weight Loss program right for me?
    If you want to lose weight rapidly, reduce blood sugars, and improve insulin function and overall general well-being, this program is for you! Our program will help you lose weight rapidly. We prefer this method over slow and steady. Remember, there is no magic diet, and you will be expected to put the work in. That being said, our program has been helping people lose weight and keep their weight off for years.
  • What do the SOZA supplements do?
    Our proprietary supplements, combined with our protocol, can help you achieve healthy and rapid weight loss. These supplements have helped dieters balance hormones, control appetite, lower blood sugar, and boost energy for over ten years. Our products, SUPREME, LEAN, and BIO-ACTIVE, are used throughout your program.
  • What is included in the 60-Day SOZA Weight Loss Kit?
    The kit includes the two SUPREME oral sprays, two LEAN appetite supports, one BIO-ACTIVE B12, and the Instruction Manual.
  • Why do I need a health coach?
    More and more research proves that accountability and support are necessary for success. Health professionals using a holistic approach believe the mind and body function as one unit in health and disease. They spend more time with their clients/patients, developing closer relationships and offering unique recommendations. It’s essential to work with someone who will hold your hand throughout the process and be there when you need them
  • What is the online membership program?
    The online membership program is supplemental to support our community on and after the program. Weight loss is an ever-evolving field of study and research. Therefore, we continuously update our website with helpful information we think will benefit you.
  • How much weight am I expected to lose?
    You’re expected to lose anywhere from 15-30 pounds a month, but this depends on your starting point; lean body mass, age, gender, fitness level, commitment, dedication, and wellness history. Do not compare your results with those of others. You will most likely go through periods of rapid loss, and a plateau as your body adjusts. Remain consistent with the program and check in with your health coach.
  • Do I need to exercise?
    This is not an exercise program. Many people have lost the same weight as those who didn’t exercise but stayed active. However, the fact you are on this diet shouldn’t be an excuse not to exercise. We recommend you stay active with incidental physical activity. If you can do resistance training and some HIIT training, then we go for it.
  • How can I get my partner to do this program?
    Doing a weight loss program with a partner would be much easier. The truth is that if they are not ready, are in denial, or don’t believe in dietary changes; then there is nothing you can do to convince them. Be successful for yourself, eat healthily, and live a wellness lifestyle. They will come around when they are ready and see the changes you’ve made for yourself.
  • What happens if I get pregnant? Should I stop the program?
    Yes, you must stop the program. It would be best if you were not on any weight-loss program. Consult your primary care physician.
  • I am on thyroid medication; will this affect my program?
    If your doctor monitors your levels and you’re within the normal range, this should not affect your program. On the contrary, if you’re on medication and within the normal range, this program is recommended for anyone with weight to lose and experiencing the symptoms associated with carrying extra weight. You may even find that you can decrease your required medication after achieving significant weight loss.
  • Can this help my reflux?
    Yes, it can! Excessive weight and inflammatory foods cause reflux. Symptoms should lessen and cease as you get accustomed to the program. If you are on medication, touch base with your doctor. If you get reflux in this program, it should be temporary because of the change in diet. If it does not, please consult your doctor.
  • I have fibromyalgia; is this a problem?
    As you know, there is evidence to support that excessive weight and inflammatory foods are associated with fibromyalgia. So we expect you to feel better in time on our program.
  • I am a type 2 diabetic; do I need to monitor my sugar levels?
    Yes absolutely. As you lose weight, you would reduce your meds and hopefully get off them completely. Keep checking in with your doctor.
  • Should I stop the program if I am on my cycle?
    No! We understand the premenstrual period can be the mother of all trip-ups. Appetite rises and falls with hormone levels. The good news is that this program helps stabilize blood sugar and hormone levels. It may not be possible to eliminate cravings, so it would be best to plan ahead. Remove any sugary snacks at home, stay active, and eat sufficient protein. If you slip up, it’s okay, just get back on track!
  • My spouse is a type 1 diabetic; can they do this?
    Without the care of a primary care physician, this program is not suitable. Although we wish we could give the go-ahead, it is not our place. As you know, people with type-1 diabetes are much different than type-2 diabetics.
  • What should I do if I get a cold or “flu” while on the program?
    Continue the program. Infection, either viral or bacterial, shouldn’t affect the diet. However, if you do not feel up to it and are feeling exceptionally miserable, increase the accepted foods on the program temporarily.
  • Does PCOS affect the program?
    Our program will improve your general well-being and help alleviate your PCOS. Losing weight, eating healthy, and being physically active all help alleviate PCOS.
  • Can children do this program?
    It is not recommended for children to do an 800-low-calorie diet. However, you can quickly adapt the principles of the program, increase their food intake, and add more legumes and complex carbohydrates.
  • How is this different from a keto diet?
    This 800-calorie mildly ketogenic diet causes rapid weight loss, made easier with the SOZA supplements and the encouraged wellness lifestyle. It is based on the principles of the Mediterranean and plant-based diet. It is not as strict as the keto diet, as you can eat more carbohydrates like fruits, organic dairy, and legumes. It is a more sustainable dietary pattern in the long run.
  • Will I be in ketosis?
    Yes. If you do this program correctly, you will be in mild to full ketosis throughout the program because this is a low-carb and low-calorie diet. You'll lose weight rapidly and safely in mild to full ketosis. You'll feel less hungry less often. Your cravings will diminish,h and you'll have more energy and a greater sense of well-being. You'll burn excess body fat while maintaining lean muscle mass. In addition, this program will promote dietary habits more effectively for long-term fat loss and sustainability.
  • Why do you recommend following a plant-based Mediterranean-style diet after the program?
    Countless studies show time and again that the Mediterranean diet, common among centenarians, is one of the healthiest diets in the world. Scientific evidence supports the link between a Mediterranean diet and a reduced risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers (such as breast cancer). The Mediterranean diet is one of the healthy eating plans recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to promote health, prevent chronic disease, and maintain healthy body weight. The World Health Organization also recognizes it as a healthy and sustainable dietary pattern. This is thought to be due to antioxidant-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats, like nuts and seeds. Unfortunately, the media popularizes many overhyped lifestyle diets that promise health benefits, but they have insufficient evidence to support their claims. Most of these diets advocate eliminating entire food groups, which is unnecessary and potentially dangerous, and therefore do not provide all the nutrients your body needs. Of course, you should always do your research, but be sure to pay attention to evidence-based science and long-term studies.
  • Will this affect any medication that I am on?
    Our weight loss supplements are all-natural and should not affect any medication you are on. As you lose weight you would need to monitor your sugar levels and any blood pressure medications that you are on. Please download our medical sheet here, which you can also forward to your primary care physician. As with any weight loss program, you should consult your doctor before beginning one. You can also read our medical disclaimer here.
  • I am a type 2 diabetic; do I need to monitor my sugar levels?
    Yes absolutely. As you lose weight, you would be reducing your meds and hopefully getting off them completely. Keep checking in with your doctor.
  • Can this help my reflux?
    Yes it can! Excessive weight and inflammatory foods cause reflux. Symptoms should lessen and cease as you get accustomed to the program. If you are on medication, touch base with your doctor. In the event you get reflux in this program, it should be temporary because of the change in diet. If it does not, please consult your doctor.
  • I have fibromyalgia; is this a problem?
    As you know, there is evidence to support that excessive weight and inflammatory foods are associated with fibromyalgia. We expect you to definitely feel better in time on our program.
  • Isn’t dairy inflammatory?
    If you are intolerant to dairy, do not have it. For those who are tolerant, keep in mind you have low amounts of dairy. Too much non-organic dairy can be systemically inflammatory, according to some studies. Other studies dispute this. Don’t rule out high-quality organic dairy in phases 2 and 3. Yogurts and some cheeses have good cultures that can benefit gut health.
  • Don’t I need to consume high amounts of dietary fat to be in ketosis?
    Not! There is misinformation regarding eating high dietary fat to lose body fat. Dietary fat is not the enemy, but you do not need to consume high amounts since you already carry too much. You want to tap into the stored calories from your body’s fat stores to produce ketone bodies instead of producing ketones from dietary fat. Numerous studies agree that high dietary fat intake is not sustainable or practical in the long run.
  • Can I eat too many healthy dietary fats in Phase 2?
    Yes, because you’re trying to lose weight. Even though this program’s dietary fats primarily come from heart-healthy omega-3 and fibrous plant-based fats, you can still overeat them. Fat contains a lot of calories. The broader concern is mindlessly filling healthy fats, like nuts, seeds, butter, etc. 30g of dietary fat a day is enough.
  • How can I make my meal program work with family members?
    Prepare your meals and bulk up the dishes with phase-3 complex carbohydrates. These include more legumes, beans, and starches like brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, and whole-grain sprouted bread.
  • How do I stop myself from munching on something in the evening?
    Keep yourself busy! Go for a walk after dinner. Change, don't necessarily try now to break your habits. Have herbal teas in the evening. Drinking tea mimics snacking without the extra calories. We know it's not easy. It takes effort, but you can do it. Willpower may be overrated, but at least it can be exercised.
  • What if I choose to forgo my daily snack and have it in the evening?
    Having a snack in the evening is not recommended. You don’t need it. Depending on your wellness history and previous habits it can be initially hard to change. But you must put in the effort. As your hormones stabilize you will feel in much more control.
  • What about dessert?
    You are on 800 calories daily, a meal plan that doesn’t allow sugar. If you must, have some berries right after dinner in one sitting. It should be a part of your meal than dessert on an empty stomach. Never have dessert on an empty stomach. Remember why you are doing this program. Keep that at the forefront of your mind and everything that you do.
  • I had an unusually stressful day; what can I do to not go off the diet?
    We highly recommend you do your best to adapt to fighting stress. However, we understand that these days happen. Therefore, eat more of the allowed foods in the program, including more healthy fats. It is better to do that than resort to comfort foods, alcohol, or sugar. Expect and come to terms with not possibly experiencing any weight loss the next day, but at least you didn’t disrupt your total metabolic and hormonal progress. Make sure you don’t have comfort food at home, or you may reach for them.
  • Should I have fruits as a snack or part of a meal?
    Try both ways and see what works for you. For some people, eating fruit as a snack makes them hungry, while others don’t get hungry. Ideally, it would be better to have fruit as part of a meal as opposed to on an empty stomach due to the sugar content. We encourage you to eat fruits because of the many beneficial antioxidants and nutrients.
  • What’s the deal with ACV (apple cider vinegar)?
    There is evidence suggesting that it (and all other kinds of vinegar) may help to lower blood sugar after a meal. We think it’s worth trying. Dilute a teaspoon of ACV in water before a meal. Try this at dinner.
  • How do I avoid bloating?
    Gut health will improve as you develop a new and healthy microbiome. Steaming FODMAP foods will help with bloating and gas.
  • What are the best oils for cooking?
    Cooking spray , but we also recommend moderate olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, and ghee. Use coconut oil occasionally, because of its flavor, but also because there's evidence it can be helpful in reducing visceral fat. For dressings, we recommend moderate extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, macadamia nut oil, sesame oil, walnut oil, and flaxseed oil. Avoid high inflammatory omega-6 oils like canola, soybean, corn, cottonseed, palm, sunflower and peanut oils. If you do buy these, at least go for expeller pressed.
  • Should I immediately start my structured exercise program?
    Start your structured exercise program, HIIT, and resistance training in your second to third week of the program once you’ve gotten used to the meal plan and wellness routines. Exercise will be easier when you’ve flipped the metabolic switch from burning sugar to burning fat.
  • What if I don’t do structured exercise?
    Many people have lost the same weight as those who didn’t do structured exercise, but they stayed active. However, the fact you are on this diet shouldn’t be an excuse not to exercise. Do more incidental physical activity (activity around your daily life) – it all adds up!
  • Can I do long endurance exercise?
    No. Please note that a low-calorie diet is not suitable for those who are doing long endurance exercise, as you would need to eat more. If you are doing intense/endurance exercise, you will require more energy than most.
  • Can I do or continue Zumba?
    Yes, continue! Zumba is fun and can relieve stress. Do Zumba at your own pace to fit with your 800-calorie program.
  • Can I exercise in the evenings?
    It might affect your sleep and the science behind the circadian rhythm discourages evening exercise. If you do exercise in the evening, make sure there is a three-hour gap between bedtime.
  • How can I stay motivated to exercise?
    Action precedes motivation! Get moving and feel your motivation evolve. Think about how you will feel during and after exercise.
  • Should I do some stretches?
    Yes for sure. Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way. That puts you at risk for joint pain, strains, and muscle damage. Check out this article on stretching.
  • What exercise programs do you recommend?
    Incidental Physical Activity Resistance Training HIIT Training
  • What is Incidental Physical Activity
    This is the exercise you do in your typical day-to-day activities. Not everyone likes going to the gym and this is fine. You can get a decent amount of physical activity to benefit you on this program. It has long been proven that people who incorporate lots of incidental exercise in their day (rarely sit down until evening or meals) tend to live longer, healthier lives and better maintain their weight.
  • What sort of resistance training do you recommend?
    Basic resistance training. Grab some dumbbells and do some bicep curls. As we get older we lose muscle.
  • What is HIIT training?
    High Intensity Interval Training. The idea of HIIT is to get most of the major benefits of exercise in very little time. For those with busy schedules, HIIT can be a great alternative to longer physical activity programs. In one study, HIIT produced similar results to cycling vigorously for 45 minutes, three times a week, but took a fraction of the time.
  • Can I do long endurance exercise?
    No. Please note that a low-calorie diet is not suitable for those who are doing long endurance exercise, as you would need to eat more. If you are doing intense/endurance exercise, you will require more energy than most.
  • Can I do or continue Zumba?
    Yes, Zumba is fun and can relieve stress. Do Zumba at your own pace to fit with your 800-calorie program.
  • Do I need to count calories?
    You don’t have to! Counting calories every day is exhausting. The meal plans should give you the recommended portion sizes. You will get the hang of it quickly. You do have to keep in mind that there is mindful portion control in this program except for veggies.
  • What if I skip a meal?
    It’s okay. Have it at your next sitting. For instance, if you missed your breakfast yogurt, then add it to dinner as a dessert.
  • Can I do OMAD?
    No. The studies do not generally support one-meal-a-day and neither do we. It’s not sustainable nor practical in the long run. Stick to three meals a day (two meals if you miss a sitting) with no snacks.
  • Is there a particular order to eating meals?
    There is no particular order. Eat within your TRE 12:12 and don’t do OMAD.
  • Can I have low-carb breads like keto breads?
    Yes, if you find good quality products and can work them into your 800-calorie days then go right ahead. Keep in mind, they usually contain high calories and have lots of additives. Choose wisely. Try a product called “Unbun.”
  • I’m not a good cook, can I still be successful?
    Absolutely! You don’t need to over-complicate your meal plan. Feel free to be practical and repeat your favorite meals and eat leftovers.
  • Can I have a tbsp of milk in my coffee?
    If it won’t stop your program, then please do! It’s of course preferable that you do not, but we’ve seen some people jeopardize their program. Look for low-calorie creamers like “Laird Superfood” coconut creamer. Note: this will break your TRE 12:12.
  • I’m literally running out the door in the morning, what can I eat?"
    Smoothies! Prepare your blend before you sleep and whip it up so you can drink it on your way to work.
  • Should I have full-fat yogurt or low-fat yogurt?
    Alternate! On some days have low-fat and on others have full-fat. Keep in mind you are having 800 calories a day. With low-fat yogurt you can add some nuts. With full-fat yogurt you add some fruit. Find out what keeps you full till lunch or your next snack. Some low-fat yogurts compensate by adding sugar and thickeners. There must be less than 5g of sugar per 100g in any product you purchase.
  • How can I make the meal plans work for a vegan?
    The SOZA program can be adapted for a vegan, but it wasn’t designed for one. The primary reason is getting the adequate protein amount. For instance, a vegan would need to eat more legumes and beans to get the necessary protein required in the program without the increase in carbohydrates. A suggestion would include low-carb vegan protein shakes to assist.
  • What are some breakfast options other than eggs?
    Scrambled tofu, smoothies, yogurt, homemade breakfast meat patties, cottage cheese, protein shakes, protein bars, mushrooms, avocado, and beans.
  • Should I add a tablespoon of legumes daily to my salad?
    You can, but you don’t have to. A tablespoon or two should not affect your diet, but more would. We want you to be friendly with legumes in the long run. If you open a can of beans, then we wouldn’t want it to go to waste. Use leftovers for the next day. Alternatively, you can get your family to eat more legumes too.
  • I’m not a good cook, can I still be successful?"
    Absolutely! You don’t need to over-complicate your meal plan. Feel free to be practical and repeat your favorite meals and eat leftovers.
  • What are some breakfast options other than eggs?
    Scrambled tofu, smoothies, yogurt, homemade breakfast meat patties, cottage cheese, protein shakes, protein bars, mushrooms, avocado, and beans.
  • Would the supplements interfere with any medication I am taking?
    No, they should not. Thousands of people have been using our supplements for close to a decade with no reported side effects. Our products are manufactured in the USA in GMP-certified facilities. Our product LEAN has some caffeine in it but it should not cause jittery side effects the way coffee does. If caffeine concerns you, try taking half the dosage of LEAN (one pill) a day and see if that works for you.
  • Will I be in ketosis?
    Yes. If you do this program correctly you will be in mild to full ketosis throughout the program because this is a low-carb as well as a low-calorie diet. When you’re in mild to full ketosis, you’ll lose weight rapidly and safely. You’ll feel less hungry less often. Your cravings will diminish and you’ll have more energy as well as a greater sense of well-being. You’ll burn excess body fat while maintaining lean muscle mass. This program will promote dietary habits more effectively for long-term fat loss and sustainability.
  • How is this different from a keto diet?
    This is an 800-calorie mildly ketogenic diet that causes rapid weight loss, made easier with the SOZA supplements and the encouraged wellness lifestyle. It is based on the principles of the Mediterranean and plant-based diet. It is not as strict as the keto diet, as you will be able to eat more carbohydrates like fruits, organic dairy, and legumes. It is a more sustainable dietary pattern in the long run.
  • Is it possible to get the “keto” flu?
    Yes, some of you may feel a little off at this stage with some lightheadedness and low energy. Because many of us are constantly grazing on food, our bodies are not used to using stored fat as fuel. Some people will experience an easier transition from burning sugar to burning fat while others may not. Everyone is different here. The supplements will help during this stage. Be sure to drink plenty of water, and don’t do strenuous exercise during this stage. It will pass. Within days you will feel sharper and in control.
  • What's the nutrition program based on?
    Low-carb plant-based SOZA Mediterranean-style diet centered on eating nutrient-rich foods: moderate to high lean proteins, vegetables, fresh herbs and spices, occasional legumes, moderate dairy and healthy fats.
  • Is this program suitable for vegetarians and vegans?
    The program can be adapted for a vegan, but it wasn’t designed for one. The primary reason is getting the adequate protein amount. For instance, a vegan would need to eat more legumes and beans to get the necessary protein required in the program without the increase in carbohydrates. A suggestion would include low-carb vegan protein shakes to assist.
  • I have food/allergy intolerances, can I still do the program?"
    Yes you can, there is more than enough approved foods on the program for you to enjoy.
  • I am lactose intolerant, do I need to consume dairy?"
    No. We do allow moderate organic dairy on the program but if you cannot or choose not, to have dairy, then you don't have to.
  • Isn’t dairy inflammatory?
    Too much non-organic dairy can be systemically inflammatory according to some studies. Other studies dispute this. Don’t rule out high-quality organic dairy in phases 2 and 3. Yogurts and some cheeses have good cultures that can be beneficial for gut health.
  • Can I drink coffee on the program?
    Yes you can drink coffee.
  • Can children do this program?
    It is not recommended for children to do an 800 low-calorie diet. However, you can easily adapt the principles of the program, increase their food intake, add more legumes, and complex carbohydrates.
  • Enter your answer here
  • Why should I have Eco-Friendly products?
    It's not just what you put in your body that counts, but it's also what you put on your body!
  • What is the what-the-hell-effect?
    Please read more about it here.

*Medical Disclaimer

The information provided by the SOZA Weightloss® program, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, and other material, is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

The SOZA Weightloss® program and its products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary, and the results achieved through the program may not be typical. Weight loss and health improvement results are influenced by many factors, including but not limited to starting weight, adherence to the program, diet, exercise, lifestyle, and metabolic rate.

Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read, heard, or seen related to the SOZA Weightloss® program. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.

Before starting any weight loss or exercise program, consult a healthcare professional. The SOZA Weightloss® program is designed for healthy adults and may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals with any underlying medical conditions should only participate in the program under the supervision of a healthcare provider.

The use of any information provided by the SOZA Weightloss® program is solely at your own risk. The program’s creators and affiliates make no guarantees about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability concerning the website, products, services, or related graphics contained on the website for any purpose.

By participating in the SOZA Weightloss® program, you acknowledge that you are aware of and accept these risks. You agree to hold harmless and indemnify SOZA Weight Loss, its officers, employees, agents, and affiliates from any claims, damages, or injuries you may incur from participating in the program. 

Diabetes Reversal Disclaimer

By "reversal," we refer to the process of returning glucose levels to below those diagnostic of diabetes without the use of diabetes-specific medications other than metformin. Our approach combines the benefits of a low-carb, high-protein Mediterranean-style diet, natural supplements, and comprehensive support to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation. This holistic strategy aims to lower blood sugar levels and support sustainable health improvements. However, diabetes management and potential reversal should always be conducted under medical supervision, as individual results may vary. To read more about diabetes reversal, please read more on this here. 

Commitment to Accuracy and Support

At SOZA Weightloss®, we are committed to bringing you the most accurate and up-to-date information. For over 10 years, we have been dedicated to helping people achieve their weight loss and health goals through our innovative and supportive programs. While this disclaimer is necessary, please know that we strive to provide the best information and support possible, always with your well-being in mind.

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